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Have a Big Ask

Shawn Seeley
2 mins ·
I started to dream better investigations for students to conduct, which would replace the ones designed by the curriculum. I just needed the money to do it…
Step Away from the Book…

I did something I normally don’t do: I had students read from the text book and then fill out the provided worksheet (gross). It was toward the end of the day, and I watched their eyes glaze over and shoulders slump. When that day ended, I decided I wasn’t going to let that happen again. I needed to find a way to take this by-the-book science curriculum, and make it engaging.
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The way Americans have traditionally learned math can be likened to cooking a Betty Crocker cake. I learned math as a set of steps to take—rules and facts to be memorized—a recipe to follow.
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As I thought about these two questions, the answers were enlightening and a bit unnerving. No, over the past two years of teaching, I was not reading enough children’s literature to make solid recommendations to my students. No, my colleagues and I have never (to my knowledge) got together to discuss matching kids and books. Ouch.
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